; simplified AMouse + keyboard only driver
; simplest possible demo with one icon (red square) for exit

		cpu	z80undoc
		org	32768

START		push	iy			; some registers are needed for Sinclair BASIC
		push	hl

		ld	a,56			; PAPER 7, INK 7
		call	CLS			; clear screen
		ld	a,2*8			; red PAPER, black ink
		ld	(22528),a		; make red square 16x16px in top left corner
		ld	(22528+1),a		; = simplest icon "exit"
		ld	(22528+32),a
		ld	(22528+33),a
		ld	a,6			; BORDER 6
		out	(254),a
		ld	a,1			; enable AMouse
		ld	(MOUSE_HID),a

		ld	hl,ICONS		; set address of icon table
		ld	(MOUSE_ICONS),hl	; should contain at leas one icon

		ld	hl,KEYTAB		; set address of table, where are defined control keys
		ld	(MOUSE_KEYTAB),hl

		jp	CALLMOUSE		; call mouse driver

EXIT		exx				; return to Sinclair BASIC
		pop	hl
		pop	iy


ICONS		db	0,16,0,16		; x1,x2,y1,y2 - area where icon is
		dw	EXIT			; address where to jump if clicked on icon
		db	255			; end of table

; Every item in these tables is composed from 5 bytes. First two are port address.
; For example 254+256*127 = 32766 which is io port for keys B, N, M, symbol shift and space
; Third byte is mask. Last two bytes is address determinig what code to call if key will be
; pressed.

KEYTAB		db	254, 223, 00000010b	; LEFT			(O)
		dw	MOUSE_KLEFT		; where call if key pressed
		db	254, 223, 00000001b	; RIGHT			(P)
		db	254, 251, 00000001b	; UP			(Q)
		db	254, 253, 00000001b	; DOWN			(A)
		db	254, 127, 00000100b	; FIRE			(M)
		db	255			; end of table

; This table can be defined for Kempson joystick too, but it doesn't make sense if
; AMouse is connected to the same port. Disable AMouse, redefine table and it will work.
; In table could be more keys with same function. For example OPQAM and Sinclair joystick 67890.

MOUSE_CHEIGHT	equ	13			; height of pointer - all pointers have same height

; start of main loop

MOUSE		ld	hl,128+96*256		; cursor coordinates X in L, Y in H
		ld	a,h			; copy cordinates
		ld	c,l			; X -> C, Y -> A
		call	8880			; from coordinates compute address in VRAM in HL
		ld	(MOUSE_DRAW+1),hl	; set pattern for drawing
		ld	(MOUSE_CLEAR+1),hl	; set pattern for erasing
		ld	(MOUSE_DRAW_2+1),a	; set, how many rotations subtract from 8
		call	MOUSE_DRAW		; draw cursor on screen

; change coordinates of mouse cursor by keyboard

MOUSE_KEYBOARD	ld	ix,MOUSE_DUMMY_TAB	; get address of table with defined keys
		ld	hl,(MOUSE_XY)		; get cursor coordinates in HL
		xor	a
		ld	(MOUSE_RKEYS_JR+1),a	; modify address in relative jump to MOUSE_RKEYS
		ld	d,a			; set D = 0, default a state of buttons = nothing pressed (yet)
		ld	e,a			; set E = 0, it has no use in this driver
		call	MOUSE_READKEYS		; process whole key table
		ld	(MOUSE_XY),hl		; store new coordinates
		ld	a,d
		ld	(MOUSE_BUTTONS),a	; store new buttons status

; keyboard processed - continue with real mouse if enabled
; 0 = only keyboard
; 1 = keyboard + AMouse

MOUSE_HIDLD	ld	a,0			; is AMouse enabled?
		or	a
		jp	nz,MOUSE_AMOUSE		; NZ = jump to AMouse driver

MOUSE_COMMON	ei				; enable interrupt (just for any case)
		halt				; and wait for interrupt (1/50s when picture is starting on TV screen)
		call	MOUSE_CLEAR		; remove old cursor from screen

MOUSE_FB_STATE	ld	a,0			; get buttons status (FIRE BUTTONS, or HOTKEYS)
		or	a			; 0 = check for zero (nothing pressed)
		ret	nz			; NZ = something was pressed -> return

		jr	MOUSE			; repeat whole loop

; these subroutines are called by table of control keys

MOUSE_KFIRE1	set	0,d			; fire 1 was pressed - set bit 0

MOUSE_KLEFT	ld	a,l			; get X coordinate in A
		sub	c			; subtract step size
		ld	l,a			; store new X coordinate back
		ret	nc			; NC = no correction is needed
		ld	l,0			; left border was crossed, correct it

MOUSE_KRIGHT	ld	a,l			; get X coordinate in A
		add	a,c			; add step size
		ld	l,a			; store new X coordinate back
		ret	nc			; NC = no correction is needed
		ld	l,254			; right border was crossed, correct it

MOUSE_KUP	ld	a,h			; get Y coordinate in A
		sub	c			; subtract step size
		ld	h,a			; store new Y coordinate back
		ret	nc			; NC = korekce není potřeba
		ld	h,0			; top border was crossed, correct it

MOUSE_KDOWN	ld	a,h			; get Y coordinate in A
		add	a,c			; add step size
		ld	h,a			; store new Y coordinate back
		cp	190			; check if bottom border was crossed
		ret	c			; C = no correction is needed
		ld	h,190			; bottom border was crossed, correct it

; MOUSE_READKEYS - universal code for processing table of ports and masks for keys or joystick
; need address of table in register IX
; doesn't affect registers HL & DE (HL contains coordinates, DE state of buttons and scroll wheel)

MOUSE_READKEYS	ld	a,(ix+0)
		cp	255			; 255 = end of table?
		ret	z			; Z = end of table reached = return
		ld	c,a			; read 16 bit address in register BC, will be port address
		ld	b,(ix+1)
		in	a,(c)			; read 16 bit io port
		bit	7,c			; try detect if port was keyboard or Kempston joystick
						; for Kempston joystick should be bit 7 always 0
						; for keyboard should be bit 7 alwais 1
		jr	z,MOUSE_RKEYS_JOY	; Z = probably joystick
		cpl				; invert bits, for keyboard is pressed key = 0
MOUSE_RKEYS_JOY	and	(ix+2)			; now should be pressed key or joystick direction = 1, apply mask
		jr	z,MOUSE_RKEYS_NXT	; Z = tested key not pressed
		ld	c,(ix+3)		; address of code for tested key in BC
		ld	b,(ix+4)

; this relative jump is switch for differen behavior for regular keys (directions, fire...) and hotkeys

MOUSE_RKEYS_JR	jr	MOUSE_RKEYS		; relative address will be modified do MOUSE_RKEYS, or to MOUSE_RHKEYS

; regular keys for moving cursor etc.

MOUSE_RKEYS	ld	(MOUSE_RKEYS_3+1),bc	; modify address in instruction CALL
MOUSE_KSLD	ld	c,2			; step size for cursor movement
MOUSE_RKEYS_3	call	MOUSE_RET		; call subroutine for pressed key
MOUSE_RKEYS_NXT	ld	bc,5			; 5 bytes per item in table
		add	ix,bc			; compute address of next item in table
		jr	MOUSE_READKEYS		; repeat


; change coordinates by AMouse
; will change these coordinates
; will change status of buttons on address MOUSE_BUTTONS if pressed

MOUSE_AMOUSE	ld	bc,130*256		; B = how many times read port every 1/50s (compromise), set C = 0
		ld	a,(MOUSE_X)		; copy coordinates in operands inside cycle
		ld	(MOUSE_AM_X+1),a
		ld	a,(MOUSE_Y)
		ld	(MOUSE_AM_Y+1),a
MOUSE_AM_LOOP	push	bc			; 11T	store BC - here starts main loop for AMouse
		ld	b,c			; 4T	copy zero from C to B (zero will be returned every pass through loop from stack)
		in	a,(31)			; 11T	read AMouse (Kjoy) port
		ld	de,MOUSE_AM_STAT	; 10T	pointer to old status of mouse signals for X
		call	MOUSE_AM_DIR		; 17T	check which direction mouse moved
MOUSE_AM_X	ld	a,0			; 7T	get X coordinate in A
		add	a,(hl)			; 7T	add value 0, +1 or -1 from table
 		jr	z,MOUSAKX		; 12/7T	Z = left border reached or right border crossed, don't store new coordinate
		ld	(MOUSE_AM_X+1),a	; 13T	write new X coordinate

MOUSAKX		inc	de			; 6T	increment pointer to old status of mouse signals to Y
		in	a,(31)			; 11T	read AMouse (Kjoy) port
		rrca				; 4T	rotate 1 bit right, to be able use same subroutine as for X
		call	MOUSE_AM_DIR		; 17T	check which direction mouse moved
MOUSE_AM_Y	ld	a,0			; 7T	get Y coordinate in A
		add	a,(hl)			; 7T	add value 0, +1 or -1 from table
		jr	z,MOUSAKY		; 12/7T	Z = top border was reached, don't store new coordinate
		cp	190			; 7T	check if bottom border was crossed
		jr	c,MOUSADO		; 12/7T	C = mouse cursor is still above bottom border
		ld	a,190			; 7T	make correction
MOUSADO		ld	(MOUSE_AM_Y+1),a	; 13T	write new Y coordinate
MOUSAKY		pop	bc			; 10T	restore BC
		djnz	MOUSE_AM_LOOP		; 13/8T	repeat B times

; total 11+4+11+10+17+75+7+7+7+13+6+11+4+17+75+7+7+7+7+12+13+10+13 = 351T most typical run (cca 10kHz)

		ld	a,(MOUSE_AM_X+1)	; copy new coordinates from AMouse part to main "variable"
		ld	(MOUSE_X),a
		ld	a,(MOUSE_AM_Y+1)
		ld	(MOUSE_Y),a
		in	a,(31)			; last time read AMouse port
		rra				; move bits 4,5,6 for buttons to position of bits 0,1,2
		and	00000001b		; leave only bit significant for button (can be up to three)
		ld	b,a			; copy to register B
		ld	a,(MOUSE_BUTTONS)	; read status of "fire" keys
		or	b			; OR it with mouse buttons,
		ld	(MOUSE_BUTTONS),a	; now can be used both at a same time

; this subroutine will combine old and new status of mouse signals and will return pointer in HL to value 0,+1,-1

MOUSE_AM_DIR	and	00000101b		; 7T	leave only bits for mouse signals
		ld	c,a			; 4T	store it in C
		ld	a,(de)			; 7T	read old state of mouse signals
		rlca				; 4T	rotate left
		and	00001010b		; 7T	and leave only these bits
		or	c			; 4T	combine with new state of mouse signals - now ve have number 0..15 
		ld	(de),a			; 7T	store result for future use
		ld	c,a			; 4T	copy it in C, B is already zero
		ld	hl,MOUSE_AM_TAB		; 10T	get pointer in "directions" table
		add	hl,bc			; 11T	add number 0..15 assembled from "new and old mouse signals"
		ret				; 10T

; total 7+4+7+4+7+4+7+4+10+11+10 = 75T

MOUSE_AM_TAB	db	0,255,1,0		; table of values 0, +1, -1 for every possible
		db	1,0,0,255		; combination of old and new mouse signals
		db	255,0,0,1
		db	0,1,255,0

MOUSE_AM_STAT	db	0			; old status of mouse signals for axis X
		db	0			; old status of mouse signals for axis Y

; cursor drawing - code heavily inspired by book "Assembler and ZX Spectrum II" from Proxima
; MOUSE_DRAW a MOUSE_CLEAR subroutines can be called any time without need set registers.
; MOUSE_DRAW will draw cursor on screen at same position as it was last time when was driver running.
; Buffer will be updated, so MOUSE_CLEAR can be called after that.

MOUSE_DRAW	ld	hl,19472		; pointer to the screen where mouse cursor should be
MOUSE_CURLD	ld	ix,MOUSE_SPR_ARROW	; sprite address in IX (can be changed for another sprite)
		ld	hl,MOUSE_BACKGRBUF	; buffer address in second HL, in buffer will be copied screen content
		ld	b,MOUSE_CHEIGHT		; sprite height
MOUSE_DRAW_1	push	bc			; store height in stack
		push	hl			; store screen pointer twice on stack
		push	hl
		ld	h,0			; 0 in H, here will be rotated sprite/mask if needed
		ld	l,(ix+0)		; read sprite in L
		ld	d,h			; 0 in D
		ld	e,(ix+MOUSE_CHEIGHT)	; read mask in E
		inc	ix			; move pointer IX to next byte of graphics
		ld	a,8			; 8 in A (8 bits/rotations per byte)
MOUSE_DRAW_2	sub	0			; subtract number of rotations to the right
		ld	b,a			; number of rotation to the left in B
MOUSE_DRAW_3	add	hl,hl			; HL *= 2 (rl HL)
		sla	e			; DE *= 2 (rl DE)
		rl	d
		djnz	MOUSE_DRAW_3		; repeat until B = 0 (up to 7 times)
		ex	(sp),hl			; swap address of cursor on screen from stack to HL
		pop	bc			; get rotated graphics of cursor into BC (was in HL originally)
		ld	a,(hl)			; read original content of screen
		exx				; second set of registers
		ld	(hl),a			; store original content of screen in buffer
		inc	hl			; next byte in buffer
		exx				; primary set of registers
		ld	a,d			; get left part of mask
 		cpl				; invert it
		and	(hl)			; remove pixels from background where mask had 0
		or	b			; add graphics of mouse cursor
		ld	(hl),a			; store it back in screen
		inc	l
		ld	a,l
		and	00011111b		; was right border crossed?
		jr	z,MOUSE_DRAW_4		; Z = yes
		ld	a,(hl)			; whole proccess repeat again for second byte
		ld	(hl),a
		inc	hl
		ld	a,e
		and	(hl)			; remove pixels from background where mask had 0
		or	c			; add graphics of mouse cursor
		ld	(hl),a
MOUSE_DRAW_5	pop	hl			; restore address of left byte in screen from stack
		call	DOWNHL			; compute address one pixel down
		pop	bc			; restore counter
		djnz	MOUSE_DRAW_1		; repeat for whole height of mouse cursor

		inc	hl			; only increment pointer to the buffer

; clear cursor and replace it with original content of screen before mouse cursor was drawn

MOUSE_CLEAR	ld	hl,16384		; pointer to the screen where is placed mouse cursor
		ld	b,MOUSE_CHEIGHT		; height of mouse cursor in pixelx
		ld	de,MOUSE_BACKGRBUF	; address of buffer with original content
MOUSE_CLEAR_1	ld	a,(de)			; get byte from buffer
		ld	(hl),a			; write it in screen
		inc	de			; move DE to next byte in buffer
		push	hl			; store HL
		inc	l
		ld	a,l
		and	00011111b		; was right border crossed?
		jr	z,MOUSE_CLEAR_2		; Z = yes, jump over processing second byte
		ld	a,(de)			; get byte from buffer
		ld	(hl),a			; write it in screen
MOUSE_CLEAR_2	inc	de			; move DE to next byte in buffer
		pop	hl			; restore HL to address of left byte
		call	DOWNHL			; compute address one pixel down
		djnz	MOUSE_CLEAR_1		; repeat for whole height of mouse cursor

; graphics of some very basic cursors

MOUSE_SPR_ARROW	db	00000000b		; classic arrow cursor
		db	01000000b
		db	01100000b
		db	01110000b
		db	01111000b
		db	01111100b
		db	01111110b
		db	01111000b
		db	01001000b
		db	00001000b
		db	00000100b
		db	00000100b
		db	00000000b

		db	11100000b		; mask
		db	11110000b
		db	11111000b
		db	11111100b
		db	11111110b
		db	11111111b
		db	11111111b
		db	11111111b
		db	11111100b
		db	11111110b
		db	00011110b
		db	00011110b
		db	00001110b

MOUSE_BACKGRBUF	ds	MOUSE_CHEIGHT*2		; buffer for part of screen where cursor was drawn

; wait until any key is pressed include mouse buttons if selected
; PAUSE 0 because command in Sinclair BASIC with similar behaviour

		jr	z,PAUSE0		; Z = no key or button was pressed, repeat

; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
; wait while any key is pressed include mouse buttons if selected

		jr	nz,PAUSENK		; NZ = some key or button is pressed, repeat

; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
; common part for keys/buttons testing - returns Z if nothing pressed

MOUSE_TESTFIRE	xor	a			; set port upper byte of address to zero
		in	a,(254)			; read all keyboard ports at once
		cpl				; invert bits
		and	11111b			; leave only bits significant for keys
		ret	nz			; NZ = a key was pressed, return, otherwise we will check mouse buttons
		ld	a,(MOUSE_HID)		; is mouse control enabled?
		or	a			; check for zero
		ret	z			; Z = only keyboard is enabled, but fire is not pressed, return
		jr	MOUSE_TSTBUTAM		; NZ = AMouse enabled, jump to test AMouse buttons

MOUSE_TSTBUTAM	in	a,(31)			; AMouse left button, or Kempston Joystick fire button
		and	00010000b		; only bit for buttons (can be up to three buttons)

; CALLMOUSE is the main entry point for program using this driver
; See example how to use it.
; Basically call this code and it will jump to address defined in table for clicked icon or pressed hotkey.

CALLMOUSE	call	MOUSE			; call main loop, it will draw mouse cursor
						; until fire button will be pressed

MOUSE_TSTXY	ld	de,(MOUSE_XY)		; read coordinates where user clicked in DE (D = X, E = Y)
		ld	bc,6			; size of item in BC (4 bytes coordinates, 2 bytes address)
MOUSE_TSTXY_0	ld	ix,MOUSE_DUMMY_TAB	; table address in IX
		jr	MOUSE_TSTXY_FRS		; jump over first add

MOUSE_TSTXY_NXT	add	ix,bc			; add size of intem BC and pointer to table IX
MOUSE_TSTXY_FRS	ld	a,(ix+0)		; read coordinate X1
		cp	255			; is it end of table (255)?
		jr	z,CALLMOUSE		; Z = end of table, user did not clicked on icon, but somewhere else
		cp	e			; compare coordinates of cursor with coordinates from table
		jr	nc,MOUSE_TSTXY_NXT	; NC = cursor is outside icon
		ld	a,(ix+1)
		cp	e
		jr	c,MOUSE_TSTXY_NXT	; C = cursor is outside icon
		ld	a,(ix+2)
		cp	d
		jr	nc,MOUSE_TSTXY_NXT	; NC = cursor is outside icon
		ld	a,(ix+3)
		cp	d
		jr	c,MOUSE_TSTXY_NXT	; C = cursor is outside icon

		ld	h,(ix+5)		; get address for this icon in HL 
		ld	l,(ix+4)
		jp	(hl)			; and jump on that address

; important addresses for this driver
; compiler needs these values here, at end of code

MOUSE_BUTTONS	equ	MOUSE_FB_STATE+1	; button status (of not zero, button or key was pressed)
MOUSE_X		equ	MOUSE+1			; last known coordinates
MOUSE_HID	equ	MOUSE_HIDLD+1		; 0 = keyboard only, 1 = AMouse enabled
MOUSE_KEYSTEP	equ	MOUSE_KSLD+1		; KEYSTEP, step size for cursor movement by keyboard
MOUSE_ICONS	equ	MOUSE_TSTXY_0+2		; address where set pointer to icon table
MOUSE_KEYTAB	equ	MOUSE_KEYBOARD+2	; address where set pointer to table of control keys

MOUSE_DUMMY_TAB	equ	15360			; it points in ROM, where should be 255 = end of table
						; MOUSE_DUMMY_TAB should be always replaced by real address

; compute address on screen one pixel down under current address
; This is usualy part of program which is using this driver

DOWNHL		inc	h
		ld	a,h
		and	7
		ret	nz
		ld	a,l
		add	a,32
		ld	l,a
		ld	a,h
		jr	c,DOWNHL2
		sub	8
		ld	h,a
DOWNHL2		cp	88
		ret	c
		ld	h,0			; if bottom margin was reached draw sprite in read only ROM

; clear screen - short and slow
CLS		ld	(CLS_2+1),a
		ld	hl,16384
        	ld	de,16385
		ld	bc,6144
		ld	(hl),0
		ldir				; fill pixels with zeroes
		ld	bc,767
CLS_2		ld	a,56			; colors - 0*128 + 0*64 + 8*7 + 0 = FLASH 0, BRIGHT 0, PAPER 7, INK 0
		ld	(hl),a
		ldir				; fill color attributes

; Chips 8255 (clones of Intel 8255) are often used for paralell interface compatible with
; Kempston joystick. Normally after reset it have all 3 ports set as input, but sometimes it
; need to be set again. You can do it by this code.

SET8255INPUT	ld	a,155			; all ports as input (default state after reset)
		out	(127),a

; Standard decimal addresses are
; 31 - io port
; 63 - io port
; 95 - io port
; 127 - control port